Friday, June 25, 2010

Time Keeps On Slippin, Slippin, Slippin

So I was relaxing earlier thinking about the things and places that I have slated for the next year when it hit me. I'm not going to be sitting in this chair a year from now, (if things go as planned) I'll be in a different state, I'll be doing all sorts of different things and I thought to myself: 365 days isn't that long, hell I'll be done with my MBA in about 180 days, and that is just a few months away, practically next week [as fast as this year has been going].

It's just scary to think about how fast life is passing us all by. I remember when I was 21, I still feel 21 but my ID card says 30......... not particularly pleasing to the eye of the beholder unless you have an obsession with wanting to be old.

I know that the next 10 years of my life are the most critical to my success, my financial future, happiness etc. It's a scary thought to realize that you only get one shot at life - one "at-bat" - and that when you get to the point where I am at, just like in baseball there are so many odds stacked against you which makes everything "that much more difficult", you have to start swinging. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Damon Mazyck said...

I'm with you on that. Over the next 2 years is when all of my efforts should be at the level I want them to be. Could've made it earlier in life, but the ignorance of my youth and no mentorship... Oh well, learning a few years late was what made me Man-up real fast. Good Post!